Nice Thoughts

So long, farewell

Monday 7th January. The 3 train from 14th St to Brooklyn.

After 4 months of meeting the most incredible people, getting acclimatised and sharing this wonderful adventure together, there was always going to come a time to round things off or close the curtain on Act 1, as it were.
If I’ve learnt one thing over the last few years it’s that you don’t say goodbye, only see you later. I got most of my see you laters over with last month after school finished and it still doesn’t quite seem real that I won’t be seeing people like Ryan, Sandra, Tyler and Gwenn who I became so close to on a daily basis. Today saw the last of the see you laters with four girls who I have only warmth and admiration for. Tea and cake seemed a fitting way to part with Renee, Natalie, Jess and Lareina and I’m so pleased my penultimate New York scene saw them written in for one last time.  The people I’ve met here have not only inspired me, they’ve become some of my best friends. I couldn’t have asked for better class mates turned companions and I have every faith in them, their abilities and the journeys that lie ahead for all of us.
So, to everyone who was there to share Monday morning coffee, chats on the benches, trips around town or quick shopping sprees to 5th Av. To the ones who were there to rehearse with, laugh with and embrace the stage together. To the endless line learning, the joy and frustration of classes, uniting in the big ah sound and complete relaxation. Thank you for the Happy hours,  late night subways, emotional support, constant smiles and photos I will treasure forever. You know who you are and I love you all.

Until the reprise…

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