I am British therefore I like tea. And cake. Often served in ill-advised portions. This in turn means I love the chance to indulge in all things motherland with Afternoon Tea and was thrilled when I saw Emerald Street had brought back their 241 offers on the very such thing. Last year I went with my Mum to the Sanctum Soho hotel which was wonderful so had no hesitation about signing up for another opportunity for myself and my lovely friend Jenny who was visiting from Exeter for the day. Biscuiteers in Notting Hill immediately caught my eye with it’s quirky British biscuits and attractive offer so I promptly booked a spot ready to attend several days later.
Now Notting Hill was another place on my recently created list of where to spend more time in London so I quite nicely attacked two birds with one stone here. For those not acquainted with the area is is the picture painted by every film maker who tries to depict London in a shining light. Immaculate houses, beautiful boutiques and perfectly presented people adorn the area often with small dogs in tow. Far too easy for my liking. What’s London without the echo of sirens and scent of chicken shops anyway? Ahem.

Biscuiteers is a relatively small space, predominately shop floor where they sell adorable iced biscuits in a range of themes with a few tables at the back for diners and a basement floor where their icing classes take place. We took our seats and ordered Earl Grey tea and a latte whilst we waited in anticipation for the cake stand of joy to appear.
Afore mentioned cake stand did not disappoint and provided everything that was listed on the tea for two menu. The sandwiches (a variety of Salmon w/ cream cheese & cucumber) although few were delicious and we enjoyed every single one of the sweet treats on offer. Pacing was key here to avoid the most hideous of sugar rushes/ come downs. I’m not normally an iced biscuit fan (my memory stems back to warm summer fetes at school, some tragic digestives and an array of iridescent food colouring in tubes) but these were amazing and oh-so-pretty. Almost too pretty to eat. Almost.
I thought at £20 this afternoon tea at Biscuiteers was exceptional value for two people to share. We both got through two pots of tea/coffee and their full size biscuits normally retail for around £6 each. I’m not sure whether it would be substantial enough for me to warrant another visit at the usual price of £40 but I have no doubt the residents of Notting Hill would think otherwise. Regardless, it was a lovely afternoon with friendly, attentive staff in a quintessentially British setting. Get hold of the Emerald Street deal while you can!