Nice Ideas

Halloween Decor | Autumnal Tablescape

This weekend was full of Autumn- pumpkin picking, falling leaves, blue skies and walks in the woods. I was in seasonal heaven (stay tuned for the video edition of this later in the week!)  As you may remember from October posts from years gone by I love nothing more than embracing any excuse to decorate/ celebrate so I was thrilled to put my woodland foraging to good use and create this year’s Autumnal tablescape centrepiece. It’s ready and waiting for our dinner guests tonight and I think that alongside our newly carved pumpkins it brings the perfect amount of Fall favourites into the home. The eagle eyed amongst you will spot the witches hat bunting in amongst the squashes and foliage- suffice to say I did not forage these. They came from Asda and I’m still figuring out how to incorporate them into everyday decor as they are adorable. We also got some hanging bats who may yet make it to the Christmas tree as cleverly disguised, santa-hat adorned festive birds if I get my way.

Anyway, pumpkin photos to follow shortly. In the mean time enjoy this and be sure to show me any ideas you have about how to decorate for the Autumn season.


IMGP1071 IMGP1072 IMGP1068 IMGP1066 Autumn Tablescape

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