Nice Times

Christmas, Cottages, Cats and Carols

Having left Stow we drove cross country under an iridescent sunset  to rural Herefordshire which is where our friend Curtis lives with his partner Alex and adorable cat Molly. He had organised for Tom, Jenny and Toby and myself to go and celebrate an early Christmas at his (picture perfect) cottage complete with turkey dinner, our favourite Christmas film and plenty of carol singing. Now this all sounds like quite the idyllic affair but what I’m yet to mention is that a large portion of the night was later spent playing Cards Against Humanity which was just the most ridiculously funny game I’ve ever come across. Circa 2am our own deck may have been ordered from Amazon. Perfect for the holiday season.


IMGP1258 IMGP1267 IMGP1269 IMGP1270Curtis is not only a very wonderful friend (he introduced Tom and I five years ago now so I suppose I’ve got a lot to thank him for) but he is also an excellent chef and host. We were truly spoiled with not only the beautiful evening meal but also our homemade bread and jam selection for breakfast. Evidently he’s known us all long enough now to know the way to our hearts is with food. We’ve certainly come a long way since the time we (Curtis, Jenny, Toby and myself) used to share an office in the theatre relying on toast and cheese for the majority of panto season.

IMGP1275 IMGP1276 IMGP1284 IMGP1286 IMGP1280Having watched The Muppets Christmas Carol (top tip- drinking wine every time the word “Christmas” is mentioned is a terrible idea) and giving pitch perfect renditions of all our favourite festive songs, games were played and the standard dance party ensued. Around 1.30am we remembered about the meteor shower that was happening and with next to no light pollution to make the most of we took up residence lying flat on the gravel driveway (an idea sponsored by the afore mentioned wine) watching the stars shoot past. Lovely.

IMGP1278 IMGP1272 IMGP1311 IMGP1306If I come to your house and you have a cat the chances of me A.) burying my face in it and B.) making it wear outfits are basically 100%. 

IMGP1290 ChristmasatCurtisPost breakfast we went on a walk to explore the local countryside which was just the best way to spend a Sunday morning.

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After a pub lunch we sadly parted ways. It seems hard to believe that there was once a time no so long ago when four of us got to spend every day together and most of us lived in the same place. Luckily as we continue to grow up we refrain from growing apart and getting together is just that bit more exciting; I can’t wait for the next time.

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  1. This is the best, most beautiful and festive post I’ve read to date. Everything sounds (and looks) completely perfect!! You are very lucky to have such talented and wonderful people in your life.

    Best wishes xo

    1. Charli says:

      This is the loveliest comment. Thank you and have a very Happy Christmas! X

  2. Looks and sounds like you had a wonderful time.
    I’m assuming that my in invitation got lost in the post !
    Tell Curtis that I forgive him !!
    Fa la la la la la la la laaaaaaaa

    1. Wonderful post Charli! Thanks. I have already had friends of mine quoting what we did at the weekend on accounts in the blog. And Denise, as I said to Charli, you were and are welcome anytime! Have a great Christmas all x

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