Since leaving New York and Lee Strasberg I don’t think I’ve ever really spoken much about my acting work on the blog. That’s primarily because Adventures Of A Nice Girl now acts as an excellent way to distract myself from my (often questionable) career choice and reminds me I enjoy things other than daily rejection acting… such as baking. And photo editing. And cats. However I’m currently in rehearsals for a play and so my time lately has been taken up with more line learning than DIYing which in turn means I was running out of ideas to post.
Then I realised I had just partaken in my much dreaded headshot update photo shoot that comes round every couple of years and maybe I could share the results. For those who aren’t familiar, headshots to actors are what an oven is to a baker- essential. It’s the first tool of marketing, a surefire Twitter profile picture success and really all we hope is that one day they’ll be reproduced in miniature versions alongside a biography of our successes in theatre programmes.
It’s also just a very expensive way to document and watch yourself age over the years.
No seriously. 17 year old vs 25 year old me.
Moving swiftly on.
I chose the lovely Darren Bell to work with on my photos and I’m thrilled with the results. It’s a pretty tough task to have to stare at 80+ versions of your face in all states of unattractiveness and try to select your final few that scream EMPLOYMEIMPOOR. It’s all too easy to pick the ones where your hair looks best (guilty) but with the help of some impartial advice (/people that now never want to see a photo of your face again) you can soon enough decipher the ones that “stand out” and, hopefully, show as many versions of your personality as is humanely possible in four pictures.
So there we have it, an insight into my daily life away from the restaurants and travel adventures and enough versions of my face to last a lifetime…or at least for the next two years.
We’ve just booked a short trip to Barcelona for my Birthday which I can’t wait to document and I’m also heading to my first blogger event next month with Scarlett London which I’m super excited for. In the mean time you can keep up to date with what I’m up to on Twitter– I’m always looking for new blogs to read so do come and say hi!
I’ve nominated you for The Liebster Award!