Nice Ideas

DIY Cat Litter Bench

When thinking about how best to accommodate our new arrival I took inspiration from my favourite internet haven Pinterest (where else?) for all things crafty cat accessory. Our flat isn’t exactly teeming with extra space so I was really keen to use what little excess room was already available to us to incorporate some new feline essentials- like the litter tray. After some deliberation we decided to create our very own “bath extension” come DIY Cat litter bench. A project that lets Tom practise his man skills whilst I get to choose pretty fabric and play head of design? Consider me sold.

Most of this project can be seen in this series of mainly unexciting photos that I’ve included for your viewing pleasure. Basically all we used was one bit of plywood that played a central role in what is now known as the great plywood induced breakdown of 2015 when Tom made us we had little choice but to carry it in its 7ft entirety for a mile across London.

If you fancy testing your patience/relationship status I really recommend this exercise. For optimum effect do it pre dinner.

Alongside chipboard the size of a small car we also used two bits of wood for the inner supports, foam for the bench, varnish and fabric. A saw from the 99p store was quickly replaced by a jigsaw which, shockingly, proved to be much more efficient.  After having drawn up the design and figured out dimensions the next job was to cut all the wood etc into shape and then coat it with varnish that matched our pre existing bath colour.

IMG_0014 IMG_0022 IMG_0023 IMG_0024 IMG_0027 IMG_0028Like I said, riveting.

Then came the fun part, bench making and assembly. We paid a visit to Rolls and Rems in Lewisham which is the ultimate haberdashery lovers dream. Full of assorted fabrics and accessories; even for someone who doesn’t so much as own a sewing machine I could have spent hours perusing their selection.

IMG_5742We settled on a grey and pink shabby chic cotton to match in with the theme of the room and also picked up some foam. Assembling the bench seat was ridiculously easy- a case of gluing the foam to a wooden board to keep it still then covering with fabric and screwing into place. A really easy no sew project.

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This is how the rest of the construction took place-

IMG_0031 IMG_0041 IMG_0043 IMG_0046 IMG_0047 IMG_0050Et voila! Lid lifts up, litter tray goes inside closely followed by one happy cat and there’s no unsightly pet accessories to be seen.

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Feline fine indeed.

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  1. Genius!!!

  2. Tom deserves a medal !
    I hope that Persephone appreciates this “masterpiece “

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