Nice Places

pentahotel Birmingham

90 minutes away from London town lies Birmingham. In Birmingham lies the pentahotel. And in the pentahotel lies seven floors of an establishment where laid back luxury meets industrial chic. A place that’s just begging to be enjoyed and photographed. Is there anything better than checking into a hotel that positively oozes the kind of interior design Pinterest was made for? If last weekend was anything to go by then no, I’d say there certainly is not.

We were heading to Birmingham to support the pantomime (while sparing a thought for all involved for whom the Christmas spirit must be wearing thin) and after a similar trip last year, knew exactly where we should stay to make a worthwhile weekend of it. Situated a mere 5 minutes away from the new and improved New Street station, the pentahotel Birmingham was the perfect choice for its close proximity to the city centre and first class facilities.

IMGP9045Arriving into the ground floor lounge bar (which also acts as reception) you’re met with an array of opulent furnishings which manage to entice with their simultaneous relaxed yet glamorous style. Check in was an easy and swift affair and we made our way up to the 7th floor to acquaint ourselves with our pentaroom for the night.

IMGP8901 IMGP8914 IMGP8904 IMGP8908Since our last visit, the rooms have been refurbished so I was looking forward to seeing some changes. Our double room was a really pleasing size, complete with desk and shower room ensuite. The flat screen TV gives you access to all the main channels as well as free curated music video playlists and current movies. One of the things I love about the pentahotel are their Anatomical toiletries. I in fact love them so much I now stock them in my own bathroom- we phoned the hotel several months ago on a mission to track down the memorable soap so it was with much joy that I reacquainted myself with their micro in room versions. The bubbles were a very welcome touch and went down very nicely while getting ready to leave and drag myself out of the cosy dressing gown which I immediately regretted changing into. Dressing gown > clothes.

IMGP8951Once we returned to the hotel that evening we headed to the pentalounge for dinner and drinks. If I ever come to own the ultimate lake house/log cabin I will employ the architect behind the pentahotel, Mattheo Thun, to design it for me. From rows of pillar candles to an exposed fire and deep piled rugs. It’s the kind of place you wish you could bring afore mentioned dressing gown to while still looking glamorous with a cocktail or two. The hotel boasts two free pool tables and a playstation for those seeking activities while also housing leather armchairs and sofas a plenty for relaxing back into under the low lights and classy hotel bar playlist.

IMGP8966 IMGP8967 IMGP9007 IMGP9008The dinner menu was full of feel good classics including steaks, pasta and pizza. After spending too long deliberating what to have we opted for the beef carpaccio and nachos to start followed by fish and chips and the penta heart attack burger. The service was swift and friendly and the food was equally pleasing.

IMGP8963 IMGP8965 IMGP8972 IMGP8977 IMGP8979 IMGP8982 IMGP8984 IMGP8989As delicious as it was, the portions defeated both of us. Adamant to still make it through to dessert we retired to an armchair with a gin and tonic before later opting to share the chocolate melting cake which was served with a berry coulis and ice cream. It was the perfect spoonful of sugar to finish off the evening.

IMGP8993 IMGP9020 IMGP9037What sets apart the pentahotel is the attention to detail that goes into just about everything. The lounge areas are undoubtedly incredible to look at on first glance but delve deeper and you notice the quintessentially British, quirky additions that really help to make a statement. These little touches are scattered around the hotel- from glitter lizards (still my favourites) in the gym to pug coat hooks in the meeting room; it’s an interior treasure oasis. And I defy anyone to find a better selection of lamps/light fittings.


IMGP9023 IMGP9029 IMG_20160110_104724After a blissful night’s sleep it was time for more food. This time in the form of breakfast. A breakfast of pentadreams.

IMG_20160110_100812 IMG_20160110_100308 IMG_20160110_102943They had me at free Prosecco.

IMG_20160110_100318 IMG_20160110_101352 IMG_20160110_103851But kept me with coffee, smoked salmon bagels, fresh bread, fruits, pancakes, banana and walnut cake…I could go on. I think between us we tried everything, or at least attempted to.  Arguably one the best hotel breakfast selections I have had the pleasure of coming across. Situated several steps away from the breakfast spread was the hotel gym which we of course felt obliged to visit after our 24 hours of eating…Tom lifted one weight. I took photos. A successful gym trip if ever there was one.

IMG_20160110_104829 IMG_20160110_105014Check out was at a delightful 12pm which meant there was no rushing at all in the morning and plenty of dressing gown sponsored lounge time. We gathered our things and parted ways with the pentahotel Birmingham and all their perfect pug adorned furnishings.


Thank you for having us pentahotel- I’m already looking forward to coming back.

*We stayed as guests of the pentahotel for one night with inclusive dinner and breakfast.

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