Nice Thoughts

One Night In 2012

Four years ago the world watched the greatest show on earth and now, four years later, it’s almost time to pass the torch. As Rio gets ready to alight their Olympic games, this Sunday the rest of us are invited to take a look back at London 2012 and the volunteers that made it all happen in a brand new BBC documentary.

Avid readers of this blog (hi Mum) may remember one of my first ever blog posts four years ago. Entitled “Diary Of A Placard Bearer” it contained this video.

It’s with a sense of great pride I look back on this little film from one of the most memorable days of my life. The shakiness of the clips just adds to that real life overwhelmed feeling that lasted for those 24 hours and beyond the stadium perimeter well into the summer. Getting to take part in the Opening and Closing ceremonies will always be one of the best things I’ve ever done and I’m so happy past me had the foresight to capture it as best she could.

Snaps for past me.

Fast forward to 2016 and here present me is thinking fondly about all those rehearsals in the rain, endless nature valley bars and the rush of adrenaline that still comes whenever, the now iconic, And I Will Kiss by Underworld plays.

It was with great excitement that I, along with longstanding partner in crime Ellen and several hundred other volunteers, last weekend got to attend the advance screening of a very special film made by the BBC all about that night. One Night In 2012 is being shown this Sunday at 22.30 and I cannot recommend it enough.

Whether you took part in the ceremonies, watched the games on TV or simply enjoyed the sense of community we managed to form together over that summer, One Night In 2012 is certain to bring back some wonderful memories of what was, in many regards, a much happier time for this country. The production team have done an exceptional job of piecing together backstage footage and merging it alongside conversations with the creative team that made it all happen. As well as being entertaining it also unearthed lots of happy (and unexpected) emotion. I’m pretty sure there wasn’t a dry eye in the cinema by the end of the screening.

I know I’ll be watching again this Sunday. And who knows, maybe the dress of faces may just make a reappearance too.*

*wine consumption dependent.

One Night In 2012– a perfectly timed reminder of the wonderful things we can achieve as humans when we simply. Work. Together.

BBC One. Sunday 17th July 2016. 10.30pm.

Don’t miss it.

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1 Comment

  1. I still get butterflies when I watch your video , and hear the music begin !
    Looking forward to the documentary on Sunday xx

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