

Two Door Cinema Club – “Sun”

On the eve of my final night in London, this song goes out to the one person who more than anyone else has given me every ounce of self belief I have needed to embark on this journey. The only thing more overwhelming than leaving someone special for a while is the knowledge that the real adventure together has just begun and the rest, truly, is still unwritten.  ”New York to London… I’ll stay right there with you”

(Full credit to my fabulous Aunt Susan for introducing me to this memorable and oh so apt track)

Diary Of A Placard Bearer

So one of the more exciting things I’ve done recently was take part in both the Opening and Closing ceremonies of London 2012 as an Olympic placard bearer. I first made this video diary as a personal project, just to commemorate the experience and help cure the “post Olympic blues” that followed in the days after it had all finished.

After getting some rather lovely feedback I thought I’d share it with the world- something of an insight into what really happened behind the scenes of the greatest show on earth. Enjoy.