It’s that time of year again; the annual Christmas craft post where I release my inner Pinterest Queen and create something I have zero expertise in in the vague hope I can pass it off as being more seasonal success than Christ-mess.

Inspiration. Travel. Life.
It’s that time of year again; the annual Christmas craft post where I release my inner Pinterest Queen and create something I have zero expertise in in the vague hope I can pass it off as being more seasonal success than Christ-mess.
This Christmas was always going to be a crafty one and I had been searching for the right gift to give to members of my family for a while. Inspired by Pinterest, I merged several of my favourite festive ideas into one to create these DIY Christmas Jars in Mulled Wine and Hot Chocolate varieties. …
I am a self proclaimed Christmas queen. I. Love. It. This year is particularly special to me for several reasons including the fact I wasn’t in the country to celebrate with my family last year and 2013 will be mine and my boyfriend’s first “real” Christmas in our first “real” house complete with first real …