No trip to the city is complete without a visit to that infamous shrimpery, Bubba Gump. The hat’s for you Dad.
A Corona Margarita. I know, I was doubtful too but it was amazing! DIY at home. Right now.
Last few days of summer in Central Park
A defining picture, if ever there was one
I have waited 4 YEARS to find this statue. Failed every time up until now. Fate?
View from the (other side of the) Bridge. I fell in love with Brooklyn Heights this day.
Bring It On The Musical- satisfying the inner preppy cheerleader in all of us.
Ah yes, there was a reason I arrived here in the first place.
Katz’s Deli. A Must do. More meat than I eat in a year in one sandwich. Seriously.
Go to Grimaldi’s Pizzeria under the Brooklyn Bridge, find this spot, enjoy dinner with a view then round off at the Brooklyn Ice Cream Factory. Perfect.
Did I mention that I like Pugs? Seeing them in a shop window was a squeal worthy yet ultimately sad moment. I’d like to adopt these two whilst I’m here.
Just adding to the list of date spots. This was an incredible meal in an incredible setting. Pastafina on the UES does insanely good takeout Pasta!
I have no idea what happened…but it was AMAZING. Get the cheap seats at the back and join the regulars to watch the old ball game.
A stroll through the financial district up to SoHo via Shake Shack (now I know I keep talking about food, but this place really is great. Try the “Bird Dog” and Chocolate Shake. Um. Nom.
I fear this is the only time my neighbourhood may appear to be picturesque. Sundown on Brooklyn.
So finally, a photo round up of my first week (/NYC vacay) with Tom. Now in all honestly, a lot of our time was actually spent touring Starbucks outlets, stealing their WiFi and hunting for houses on afore mentioned site of satan Craigslist…but that was never going to make for an interesting blog post, was it? Rather than focusing on the mundane activities of moving somewhere new (like the time we got a bus to New Jersey just to go to a Walmart, or the day we visited Target so I could buy a bowl) here’s a snapshot into some of our more exciting escapades.
Terrible effort on my behalf for not updating this sooner. I will write a full round up of my wonderful first week soon when I have photos to demonstrate exactly how beautiful this city can be if you’re in the right place. Sadly I’m currently not in the right place so all potential writing time …
Whoever decided that the international baggage allowance was 1x 23kgs never had to live away for 4 months. They were also not female and/or aware of the importance of layering.