Out of London and into Belgium in under 3 hours. A weekend in Bruges has been long overdue.

Inspiration. Travel. Life.
Out of London and into Belgium in under 3 hours. A weekend in Bruges has been long overdue.
For the ultimate rooftop in central London look no further than John Lewis. The store has upped its sky high game for summer 2016 by joining forces with renowned pop up Night Tales and transforming the terrain high above Oxford St into a destination for the perfect post shop refreshment, spot of yoga or general break …
90 minutes away from London town lies Birmingham. In Birmingham lies the pentahotel. And in the pentahotel lies seven floors of an establishment where laid back luxury meets industrial chic. A place that’s just begging to be enjoyed and photographed. Is there anything better than checking into a hotel that positively oozes the kind of …
The only thing more satisfying than eating out at a swanky restaurant is eating out at a swanky restaurant at a bargain price.