Nice Thoughts

All The Leaves Are Brown

Once again this thought collective comes courtesy of a late night local subway ride home. Productive time management I feel.

Today an afternoon of dress rehearsals was proceeded by a lovely company dinner in Gramercy and splendidly bypassing the queue at 230 5th Av to enjoy a hot apple cider under a canvas of stars and skyscrapers with Renee and Tyler.

I can hardly believe that as I sit here, feeling completely at ease with my new life, surroundings and ventures, I am already over half way through this incredible process and I have less than 2 months left to continue to embrace this city and all it has to offer. My journey so far has undoubtedly been life changing. The Institute is the most perfect environment for exploration and learning and I can still hardly believe my luck that this week I’ll get to showcase myself in front of my peers, teachers and unsuspecting audience members during what is set to be quite a remarkable production.

Moving To New York by The Wombats (who happen to be LIPA alumni, for fact fans who like links) has just come on shuffle. I can’t help but smile as I listen to the same lyrics I used to listen to years ago and feel completely ecstatic that the once dream of “moving to New York”  became a reality. This isn’t actually a unique experience. In fact it’s probably  daily where small occurrences like looking up 5th Avenue and seeing the Empire State building or walking home alone in Brooklyn fill me with complete elation that I really did it.

It helps that New York is truly beautiful this time of year. The solidarity of clear Blue sky interspersed with the Autumn hues on the trees is quite spectacular to wake up to. The first day of snow last week also made me realise that (other than the fact I have no snow proof footwear) it’s going to be a different scene here all over again once winter really kicks in. I can’t wait.

Thanksgiving is rapidly approaching and I’m sorry but I’m going to have to succumb to commercialism and buy some novelty turkey products. And maybe a Pumpkin spice candle. (Providing the spice is easy on the Cinnamon which in this country is a rarity. Bad times for us Cinnamon haters.)  I take requests if anyone back home too feels their life would be enhanced by such decorative turkey touches. Well, you can’t be in America this time of year and not embrace the magnitude of, erm, tat, that is found on every corner. I already can’t wait to start buying my own collection of beautiful Christmas decorations that will adorn a tree and create memories for years to come. Statue of Liberty in a Santa hat anyone?

Tomorrow’s agenda will primarily be full of relaxation and line learning. The calm before the inevitable storm of next week and weeks to follow. Availability at Chez Nice gets increasingly sparse from the end of November- Natalie for Thanksgiving followed by Ellen & Stefan who are immediately followed by the Spid who will be kicked out very quickly to make room for Tom, who I then get to keep for a very long time.

This will be a whole other note at some point but I’m so thrilled with my amazing friends (not to mention boyfriend) and family who have saved not only money but time to make it out here to visit me. Completely overwhelming.

Finally, to round up this utterly disjointed insight into my late night thoughts, some words to live by from the one and only Waldo. Of the Ralph Emerson variety, of course.

“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail”

I couldn’t agree more.

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