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  1. Wow this looks amazing and something that I would love to do.

    1. Charli says:

      Thanks Lyndsey! You should definitely consider it- I’m convinced it’s the perfect way to see Europe 🙂

  2. Wonderful !
    You forgot to take me ! X

    1. Charli says:

      3rd year lucky?

  3. We have just watched the latest travel-pic ….Very professional and great fun!! Love Susan, Sandra, Finlay and Nan xxxx
    Ps was that Tom jumping off the huuuuuuuuge rock?! #kudos!!

    1. Charli says:

      It was! Obviously I would have joined him but one of us had to take it for the team and remain filming…ahem…

  4. Hi,
    Firstly, nice blog and videos!
    Secondly, there’s this friend and I who want to do kinda the same journey but backwards, and that is Vienn, Budapest, Belgrade, Skopje and Athens.
    It’ll be for 15-19 days, depending on how many days we’re spending in the first and last city.
    Could it be possible to talk to you via email about some inquieres and doubts we have?

    1. Charli says:

      Hi Laura, I ‘ve emailed you 🙂

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