Nice Times

Escape To The Countryside

The older I get the more I love Autumn. Perhaps it’s because after several (many) years the impending sense of back to school dread it used to bring has all but faded into a distant memory. No longer is the highlight of September a shiny new pencil case and pristine school uniform but more a chance to indulge in all things seasonal and take a small slice of happiness from nature and its ever changing state. Living in New York two years ago certainly fuelled this excitement with its visits to pumpkin patches and revelling in the falling Central Park leaves under the October sun.

Considering this, I’m surprised it took us until a few weeks ago to embrace the love for all things Fall and decide that a mid season mini break would be a wonderful idea. Living in London it’s all too easy to forget that the countryside really isn’t that far away and a couple of hours of driving through some fabulous forest lined roads and chocolate box villages can see you in the centre of the Surrey Hills and all it has to offer. Having grown up in Wiltshire I’m much more familiar with the country surroundings and the Cotswolds there so it was a treat to be able to explore a new part of the world that’s relatively so close to home. IMGP0840 IMGP0848 IMGP0854 IMGP0931 IMGP0948 IMGP1004 IMGP0954 IMGP0996 IMGP1001 IMGP1038 IMGP1028 From Pumpkin picking to pub lunches, it was a weekend away with a natural backdrop to die for. I’d recommend everyone take a trip to the woods- if nothing else the photo opportunities are endless and remembering there’s more to life than the city is a refreshing antidote to any looming winter woes.

Pumpkin Picking at Crockford Bridge

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  1. Gorgeous pictures! I’m more of a fan of Autumn the older I get too, I used to hate it!

    1. Charli says:

      Thanks Kate! It’s funny isn’t it, I think I’m just more easily pleased than I used to be in my teenage years.

  2. Lovely post – I love autumnal days like yours ^^ X

    1. Charli says:

      Ah thank you. So nice to make the most of it before winter really sets in! X

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