Now it may not be the Oscar shortlist (just yet) but here’s something I have been nominated for that’s (almost) just as glamorous- the UK Blog Awards 2015. Yes that’s right they exist and this is a polite notification in true modestly British fashion that voting is open and you may vote for me and my small corner of the internet by clicking the buttons below, if you feel so inclined. You can show your support for me in both the Lifestyle and Young Persons categories until Monday 1st December and if you do choose to do so let me know in the comments so that I can shower you with warm hugs/mulled wine in the future. No further harassment will ensue, I’m just going to leave some links below for your perusal…
I’ve also entered the Bloggers Lounge Awards because I like to put my acting career to good use and voluntarily sign myself up for rejection every so often.
Thank you in advance for your support Mum everyone!
You’re welcome x
You’re the best x
tick tick xx
Thank you, thank you! X