Nice Times

Feline Lonely At Battersea Dogs & Cats Home

Champagne, cake and cats- present them in equal parts and I’m convinced you’ve got the antidote to, well, everything. Our Friday night will filled with these three magic ingredients (with a heavy emphasis on the latter) and in turn it was, quite simply, a wonderful occasion. I’m all for the alternative Valentine’s celebrations and so when the chance to spend an evening oh so greatly named “Feline Lonely” at Battersea Dogs And Cats Home arose our tickets were very swiftly purchased. I know we’re only in February, but I’m putting it out there as one of my best choices of 2015.


The premise of the evening was to visit the home, enjoy a glass of fizz and meet the cats that are currently seeking adoption. Upon arrival we were shown into the reception which was decorated in shades of pink, adorned with knitted mice (made by the resident knitting club no less) and several stalls serving up information, cake and a tombola. Obviously we had to have a go at the tombola to relive all the primary school fete memories. Someone made me leave the glow in the dark ceiling stars I won behind but the soap prize made it home with us. Success.

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After being allocated a time in the cat cuddle booth (!) we ventured upstairs to the cattery to look around. Lots of cats. Lots of cute.

IMG_0044 IMG_0046 IMG_0043Soon it was time to assemble ready to be shown into our allocated booths. I expected to be taken up to the floor we had just come from with the adult cats which would have been totally fine but then the magical words “you’re going to meet our kittens” were uttered. Cue the squeals.

IMG_0048Our two unsuspecting kittens were new additions to Battersea and utterly purrfect (not sorry) in every way. We had 10 minutes with them to play/selfie/get emotional. Let’s just look at some photos.

IMG_0066 IMG_0055 IMG_0057 IMG_0051 IMG_0058 IMG_0065I don’t usually cross platform post but Friday’s social media was just filled with these little faces. How could I not? It’s also the closest I will probably ever get to holding kittens so just humour me whilst I cherish the memories.

Processed with VSCOcam with c1 preset Processed with VSCOcam with g3 presetOnce our time was up we were shown back down to the foyer where we consumed cake to commiserate the end of cat time (and ok maybe because they looked delicious; the icing on my strawberry cupcake was very impressive.) We then wrote love letters to our new friends and made our way back out into the rain not feline lonely but very, very content. Cats=happiness. Happiness=cats.

IMG_0071 IMG_0073 IMG_0074 IMG_0076The event has become a great success for Battersea and I’m sure there will be another Feline Lonely this time next year. In the mean time I’ve been reliably informed there’s a kitten event coming up in the summer- clear your diaries now.


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  1. Oh, those cats are so cute! I hope you had a wonderful Friday with them. With love,

    1. Charli says:

      Thank you, they really were adorable- the photos don’t do them justice!

  2. Hilarious!! I’m very glad to see that you weren’t wearing a cardigan. Did anyone adopt a kitty on the night ?

    1. Charli says:

      Can’t lie, I nearly wore my cat jumper. It was only the dinner date afterwards that made it not so much of a viable option.
      There was the option to be interviewed on the night so they could assess your suitability for potential adoption there and then which was a really good idea.

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