Nice Ideas

Super Easy Pumpkin Soup

Pumpkin Soup

Here’s a recipe for super easy Pumpkin soup that requires a mere 3 ingredients (plus some spices) that anyone (yes really anyone) can make. I have far too many friends who either can’t/won’t cook so this is designed not only for those seeking some sumptuous savoury pumpkin delight, but also those who may want to try something supereasy and new.


  • 1 Pumpkin
  • 1 Onion (diced)
  • 750 ml Vegetable Stock (I use Bouillon)
  • Pinch Nutmeg
  • Very small pinch Cayenne Pepper (optional)
  • Salt and Pepper to season

1.Firstly peel and chop your pumpkin, scooping out all the fleshy insides and seeds as you go.

Top tip- put the seeds aside, wash, pat dry and roast in the oven with some olive oil and salt until golden.

         2. Next sautee the diced onion in a pan with a dash of olive oil until soft. Add the chopped pumpkin and continue to fry until golden (about 10 minutes.)

         3. Add the vegetable stock, spices and bring to the boil. Simmer on a medium heat until the pumpkin is very soft.

         4.Once the squash is fully cooked season, blend the contents of the pan with a hand blender, et voila! One super easy, perfectly silky, heart warming pumpkin soup.

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