Moving into a new house of your own can be equal parts thrilling and daunting. Finally, after years of parents, landlords and room mates the freedom is upon you to decorate how you see fit, adorning every inch of wall with a piece of personality and proudly releasing your inner Linda Barker for the world to see. The decorating world is your oyster, Homebase is your new found best friend and then BAM. Reality calls with a one rather large check and the realisation sinks in that this moving lark is no cheap feat and, actually, one more “essential” chandelier light fitting is going to send you into the dark, dark depths of debt and despair. Fear not, after the initial shock of exactly how expensive sofas are has passed there’s still a way to add some essential home touches for a fraction of the retail prices. DIY artwork- the best way to creatively spruce up any forlorn shelf, woeful windowsill or blank wall.
I’ve always loved greeting cards and over the years this has spanned into an appreciation of postcards and other paper based creations of varying shapes and sizes. I was browsing one of my favourites Paperchase last year when I spotted these adorable post cards that just seemed far too fun to not be seen. I quickly purchased two at a mere £60p each and kept them safe until I found suitable frames to house them in. I eventually came across the perfect matches in Tiger (another favourite) and picked up these black frames for £1 each. Put it all together et voila. £1.60 artwork to brighten up a kitchen- done.
Recently in Paris I found myself in a shabby chic lovers dream of a tourist shop where, as one would expect, French themed delights were plentiful. Somewhere in between the macarons and artists of Montemarte I found this post card for €1 which I knew would fit perfectly into the home so quickly purchased and put it aside to frame later. Shortly afterwards during a weekly visit to Sainsbury’s I was browing their home section when I spotted these amazing frames being reduced to clear. In retrospect I should have stocked up as at £1.50 they were an incredible bargain but one was swiftly purchased and then later adorned with my Parisian postcard.
Framing cheap postcards is just one way to add some easy art to the home. I’m always on the lookout (hi Pinterest) for inspiration so will no doubt keep adding to my collection. Here are a couple of other budget friendly ways to add some personality that still allow for all other essential new-house purchases (read- wine).

Have you created anything similar for your home? Let me know/send me links below!
That’s my girl !